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Create & send email marketing with ease

Create and send with ease Create your email designs using your favorite tools and then import them into your account with the click of a mouse. We’ll automatically move all your CSS inline for the best results in email clients like Gmail and Outlook.

We don’t impose any design restrictions, and you won’t find any ugly ‘powered by’ logos or branding either. We hate that stuff!

What you do get is all your campaign images hosted at no additional cost, plenty of design advice and a gallery of inspirational email marketing examples to help you create something awesome.

A/B split testing

A/B split testing

Our A/B testing feature makes it crazy easy to test your email marketing campaigns and learn from them every time.

Write two different subject lines and see which one generates the most opens. Design completely different emails and see which version gets the most clicks. You tell us how to decide a winner, we’ll send the two options to a sample of your list and then automatically send the winner to everyone else.

Auto-responders & drip campaigns

Auto-responders and drip campaigns

Auto-responders make it easy to stay in touch with your subscribers without lifting a finger. Quickly build and schedule a series of automated welcome messages, birthday greetings and other date-based campaigns.

Set the rules around when an autoresponder should be sent using the triggers below, and then tell us what to send. We’ll do the rest.

See screenshots in 20+ email clients

See screenshots in 20+ email clients

Testing your design in all the different email clients is the most frustrating part of sending email marketing. Our design and spam testing tool changes all that by doing the hard work for you.

Send free tests to any address you like, or for a small fee (and a single click) see your email as it appears in over 20 different email clients like Lotus Notes, Hotmail, Outlook 2007 and AOL.

We’ll also run your campaign through popular spam filters at the desktop, server and firewall level before you send it.

Everything you need.

  • Personalisation


    Make it personal by inserting your subscribers name or a product they purchased.

  • Forward to a friend

    Forward to a friend

    Let your recipients spread your email marketing virally and we’ll track the results.

  • Flexible pricing

    Flexible pricing

    Simple pricing that means you only pay when you send, no hidden fees.

  • Google Analytics

    Google Analytics

    Automatically track your email marketing related sales and conversions in GA.

  • Powerful reports

    Powerful reports

    Track the opens, clicks, forwards, unsubscribes, bounces and more.

  • Free template gallery

    Free template gallery

    Download and tweak dozens of great looking templates that work in all major clients.

  • No ugly logos or links

    No ugly logos or links

    We never uglify your email marketing by inserting our own logo or links. We hate that!

  • Top notch deliverability

    Top notch deliverability

    Authentication, relationships with ISP’s ensure your email marketing is delivered.

  • Send in any timezone

    Send in any timezone

    Full control over when your recipients will receive your email marketing.

Try it for free